Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Death Penalty Demo in Zürich

On 13th October – in glorious sunshine in the Hirschenplatz – we held our demonstration against the Death Penalty, in the course of which we collected signatures for the abolition of the Death penalty in Japan, and also in support of the forthcoming UN resolution on Burma.

The action was a great success, and we were able to send off 210 and 170 signatures respectively.

Passers-by were also very intrigued by our Info-Game, in which we told people about various cases of individuals on Death Row as well as some who had already been executed. People were then invited to decide which countries these had happened in. Many were surprised at just how many countries still retained
the Death Penalty, and for which crimes.

The Cup-Cakes we handed out were delicious and also very successful (Grateful thanks to Melanie and Rebecca!). We hope to be able to hold a similar demonstration next year. Many thanks to all who supported us and took part on the day.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Event: the future of human rights in Egypt

The event will be in German, that's why this post is in German as well :-)

Die Zukunft der Menschenrechte in Aegypten

Die englischsprachige Gruppe von Amnesty International Zürich plant eine Veranstaltung zu der Zukunft der Menschenrechte im Arabischen Raum am Beispiel von Aegypten.
Dazu haben wir die Amnesty Expertin für Aegypten eingeladen, die über die aktuelle Situation der Menschrechte in Aegypten berichten wird. Ausserdem wird sie auch auf das grosse Problem der sexuellen Belästigung eingehen.

Bitte anmelden bei: Chrispieh(at)msn.com

Sprache: Deutsch

Wann: 19.11.2012, 19:00

Wo: Volkhaus, Zimmer 23
Stauffacherstrasse 60
8004 Zürich

Falls mehr Personen erscheinen als geplant, findet die Veranstaltung im Volkshaus statt, darüber wird rechtzeitig informiert werden.